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Citations : 14978

Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacy received 14978 citations as per google scholar report

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Bioefficacy of methanolic root extract of Piper longum L. against isolated strains of Keratinophilic fungi

Author(s): Kodagikere Palakshappa Prassanna, Raja Naika, Pasura Subbaiah Sujan Ganapathy

A total of 9 species belonging to 3 genera of keratinophillic fungi were recovered from twelve soil samples collected from different sites in shivamogga using the hair-baiting technique. Most of the fungal species isolated are known to be agents of human and animal infection. The methanolic root extract of Piper longum was evaluated for antifungal activity against the isolated strains to determine the active. It was observed that the extract was effective in inhibiting species with zone of inhibition ranging between 3 mm and 11 mm but the extract showed no zone of inhibition for Chrysosporium keratirophilum. The results indicate that the methanolic root extract of Piper longum might be exploited as natural drug for the treatment of several infection caused by these organisms.

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