Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacy received 16585 citations as per google scholar report
Short communication P:379-381
45 of Years of Enabling and Pioneering Social Pharmacology
Jose Luis Alloza*
Perspective P:388
Toxicogenomics in Personalized Medicine: Predicting Individual Susceptibility to Chemicals
Louhi Preita*
Short communication P:387
The Role of Pharmacists in Enhancing Medication Safety in Long-Term Care Facilities
Mera Franco*
Perspective P:388
Pharmacy Students Self-Efficacy and Preparedness for Advanced Practice Experiences
Yang Lie*
Perspective P:386
The Rise of Herbal Medicines: A Global Perspective
Hun Beon*
Commentary P:383
Integrating Pharmacists into Public Health Campaigns for Tobacco Cessation
Karolina Dykes*
Commentary P:382
Industrial Insights into the Development of Modified-Release Drug Delivery Systems
Ava Lilly*
Original Article P:381
Cybersecurity Challenges in Pharmacy Informatics: Protecting Patient and Medication Data
Theo Chole*
Opinion P:380
Clinical Pharmacy Services in Oncology: Improving Chemotherapy Safety and Patient Outcomes
Dalton Jetske*
Opinion P:379
Addressing Social Determinants of Health in Urban and Rural Communities using Health Equity Policies
Harpar Leura*